Sunday, July 18, 2010


Rating: Worth Full Price

Synopsis:  A team tries to plant an idea into a person by going deep into his subconsious

Review and Spiritual Significance: Carl Jung would have been interested in seeing this film.  If we truly had an ability to look deep into our subconsious and extract information at will - that would be fascinating.  People have been doing this in meditation for centuries and this movie plays with the idea by doing shared dreaming using technology.  This is an adventure of the mind to say the least.  Wonderful cast, intriguing story, inspiring visuals and drama at every step. 

I find it interesting that more and more movies are using the same paradigm for exploring the concept of reality in the movies lately - Matrix, Surrogates, Avatar and now Inception.  This film borrows from the same well as did What Dreams May Come but it does so without death.  However the concept of Limbo and Subconsious parallels the concept of life after death and they used the words Pure Creation which are used to describe both places.  Carl Jung once again would have had a field day.  In addition the main theme running thorugh the movie is letting go and forgiving one self.  Not being able to do so poisons your life. 

I liked seeing this movie and loved the twists and turns but wouldn't wish to see it again since it did almost make me dizzy.  For those of you that are very energetically sensitive please remember to protect yourself if you are seeing this in a theatre full of people experiencing very heavy emotions right next to you.  For me it was difficult thus taking away from the enjoyment of the film.

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