Synopsis: A man whose life is in decline crosses paths with a woman who takes comfort in her loneliness. In each other they find their last chance for love.
Spiritual Significance: I think what I enjoyed most about this film is the way it was shot. If this movie was a painting, then it was done with a soft brush. Instead of in-your-face dialog it focused on the subtleties of the character's faces and a look in their eyes. It didn't follow the "rules of the trade" by making Dustin Hoffman appear taller and specifically focused on realism by throwing Emma Thompson on high heels into the frame right next to a shorter older actor. This film was going for truth in all its wonder by letting us peek into the lives of two ordinary people who are trying hard to find meaning in their hectic existence.
In spiritual terms this movies deals with issues of marriage, divorce, loneliness, love, career choice, and caring for loved ones. There are, as usual, many avenues one could take. However, I was most touched by a father daughter relationship. Harvey is dealing with emotion of loosing his daughter's love. He doesn't remember how it happened but it did and once he had a chance to take a breath from work he felt the void tremendously. Looking at both of them was painful for in their eyes you could see the sorrow and regret. Harvey's fear felt true and having a daughter myself just made me want to never experience it. I rushed home to find my precious one still awake and happily soaked her in. Thank you Last Chance Harvey.
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