Synopsis: A lonely woman's quest for a baby changes her and others lives forever.
Spiritual Significance: I really enjoyed this 2002 Argentine romantic melodrama. It is filled with a rich assortment of themes worthy of discussion. It deals with motherhood, friendship, relationships between men and women, children, finding one's calling, etc. The cinematography is beautiful, the casting is appropriate, it moves well.
What moved me most however was how what ended up happening didn't have to happen at all. To fill in the gaps...the premise of the story is that a woman wishes to have a baby and asks her best friend for permission to use her boyfriend as a donor. And it ends with the boyfriend leaving his girlfriend for her friend who is having his baby. It is an interesting premise and the movie works well. However what struck me was the boyfriend leaving had as much to do with his girlfriend as with the friend. The girlfriend in her jealousy drove him away and in a very direct way made him want to be with the other. And she didn't have to. She could have been a true friend and allow herself and her boyfriend to enjoy the pregnancy of the other, help her and support her. Because she didn't and blamed him for caring he left. And from that perspective it is a very sad story because he was in love with his girlfriend and would have married her and become a wonderful father for her daughter. So while the lessons in this film are plenty my central one was this - love the people for who they are and don't get jealous for it only pushes your loved ones away.